Saturday, April 16, 2016

Culture and Tradition are NOT the Gospel

I am sitting here eating Cup O' Noodles...because it's that kind of night. I just put my 9 month old to bed...and I have some things to say.

Now, before I write anything, I must point out that I am not an expert. On ANYTHING. Except my life, that is. I am an expert on my life and my perspective....that's it! Nothing fancy. On that note...I must tell a story.

So, my husband decided that he wanted to sign us up for a ward service activity at the church orchard, planting trees. He is the most service-oriented out of the two of us...he makes me look bad...but I like it :) He has taught me that doing what's right and stepping up when needed is what is best. So, I agree...and I always go along with it. Anyway, I enjoy service!

So, there we are at this service activity, and we have been there awhile, when I meet this SUPER cute and young sister missionary. Now...I have been trying, for the last couple of days, to figure out how to speak about her and tell the details of our conversation without people figuring out who she is. I wouldn't want to embarrass her, and I didn't ask if I could share her story.

Without giving too much detail...we got into a conversation about missionary work. I found out she has not been out long...only a couple months, and that she is having a hard time adjusting. The state she is from is southern. I mentioned how I bet the people are different and she agreed and told me the differences. I looked at this girl while we were speaking and listened to some of the things we were saying and realized how far removed I am from that person I used to be as a missionary. But another thing that stood out, is just how things have changed with the lowering of the missionary age.

In one of my prior posts, I spoke about this age change and how I was worried about the focus young girls leaving for their missions have on fashion and clothes and not spiritual preparedness.

While speaking to this sister I mentioned this worry. I told her that I think too many sisters now worry about what clothes they are going to bring out and forget about the spiritual side. She was surprised when I sad that and admitted to doing that exact thing!

I told her that it is definitely NOT her is cultural! It has become popular for sister missionaries to talk to other departing sister missionaries about what clothes they are them websites of where they can go...etc. It has become...a THING that's done. It's become part of the missionary culture.

And that's all it is...a culture thing...a tradition that's beginning. It's not the church telling these girls to get caught up in it. If anything, their leaders would encourage them to focus more becoming spiritually prepared. But...this is how fast a new tradition can begin.

From there in the conversation, everything was familiar to me. Her she felt she was hard on her...etc. Then I isn't really all that different. I'm not that far removed from the missionary me...(except my testimony could use some work to get back to how strong it used to be! ;) )....the WORK is still the work...and the work will go on. Heavenly Father will ALWAYS make sure that his gospel is taught and that those who need to hear it are prepared and ready.

Culture...tradition...a religious leaders...etc...NONE of these are the gospel.  We must never point fingers at these things/people and say they ARE the gospel or the church. They are not. The true gospel lies within the scriptures and in prayer. And even the scriptures remind us that "if there are faults they are the mistakes of men; wherefore, condemn not the things of God, that ye may be found spotless at the judgment-seat of Christ." - Book of Mormon Introduction.

I know that no matter the changes that occur in the church, traditions and cultures that occur...the actual Gospel itself is steady and unchanging. No matter what...The Work will get done. I pray that I will put in the effort that I need to be a part of this work always. The Gospel is true. The Savior lives. And my Heavenly Father loves me, and he definitely loves you.