Sunday, February 15, 2015

I Am Full of Random Ideas

The title of this blog is not a lie...I am definitely full of ideas! I am always dreaming and wishing and coming up with new ideas. My most recent idea is to follow through with my dream of public (motivational) speaking and writing a book. I have always wanted to do both of these things but never found the drive or know-how to do so. Recently, I have come across the drive and I am slowly learning the know-how of it all.

My recent splurge of excitedness about fulfilling my dreams has come from a wonderful woman named Marie Forleo. I stumbled across her website for something that she calls b-school. You can find info on it here - This woman is full of wisdom! Not only is she smart, she is cute, sexy, fun and spunky...not to mention, young! Right now she has a three part free video series about how to start your own business using your own compassion for others and big heart to fuel you. I am SO excited for these free videos! They have already taught me SO much and if you have a crazy amount of energy and compassion for others and the things you hold true as should check out her videos ;)

So...I am going to start a book, for REAL this time! I know I know...time is always a factor. But time is only something we allow to get in the way of things we truly want! Why do we do that?!?! It is SO frustrating to me!! I have a lot of things coming a baby in June...yay for babies!! That, in itself, will make me completely insane and tired and excited, but it will give me time to write...because I am sure my sleep schedule will be so crazy that I will sleep I have for years...meh...way of life :)

I am going to start a new blog to foster this new business idea...and I am super excited about it!

My biggest focus will be happiness!

How often do we find ourselves wishing we had that dream job, or that dream spouse/kids/car/etc...and allow it to over run us to the point of constant complaining and sadness?? I feel as though it is too constant these days.

Heavenly Father has never told us that we are not enough. He never said that you are "ok for now, unles you get married and have kids" or "until you become better than you are"...he loves us in spite of our weaknesses! We are not here to go through the motions of life until we die and have the opportunity to live with our Heavenly Father again...we are here to LIVE...we are here to be HAPPY...TODAY....NOT TOMORROW. If you aren't happy now....feel like you're in a rut...or just wish you were more like the people your age around you...know that you are exactly who you are...and you are exactly where you are meant to be, right now.

THEN....start working toward your goals! Start new hobbies...make new friends! Drop your bad friends/acquaintances who drag you down. No one/nothing is in charge of your happiness except YOU. It is up to no one else to make sure you are happy...not your mom/husband/wife/friend/whoever! Take responsibility...choose to be happy. And if you are having a hard time with that....your first task is to make a list! And this is only a one-sided list :)

---->>>> This list is all of the blessings in your life. ONLY the blessings! There should be no negative words listed either. So, after making your list, if you see any words with a negative meaning, cross them off and re-word it! Negative words can be ones such as - IF...BUT...WHEN. All of your blessings must be in the now...right now...the present...and not things you wish you had or hope that you could have. Start now! Start being happy today.

Feel your Savior's love.
